Build the earth, Dani Schwander, Andrés FernÁndez, Samuel Herzog, Julia Krause-Harder, Rimini Protokoll, Maurizio Zappon, Christoph Zihlmann, Hand drawn Maps of Switzerland – inspired by Shilpa gupta
“Draw a map to get lost” wrote the conceptual artist Yoko Ono in one of her instructions. An apparent contradiction, as maps are there to help us find our way in the world. We trust that they depict realities, take us by the hand and provide orientation. Lose yourself in them? Not intended. If we do get lost on Google Maps or are no longer even visible as blue dots due to a lack of reception, nervousness sets in. No orientation without positioning. Or maybe there is? What if positioning is not so much about a specific place, but a feeling?
In the LANDSICHTSSACHE exhibition, we would like to show various artists and projects whose works deal with our view of the world, with the claim to truth of maps and what they are unable to depict even in their greatest accuracy. They all question how we perceive the world in its form, how we position ourselves in it and how our existence and actions change not only our view of the map, but also the map itself.
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