For the second time, the Musée Visionnaire invited Ben Wilson, the Chewing Gum Man from London, to Zurich.
From 13 to 17 June, he restored the chewing gums he had painted back in 2019, some of which had been damaged over time… and of course he also painted some new ones, transforming the flattened blobs of discarded chewing gum on the sidewalks of Zurich into wonderful miniature paintings. Go and discover the spots of color amid the gray asphalt!
1 Predigerplatz 10 → Musée Visionnaire
2 Predigerplatz 38 → Innenhof D’Bar
3 Predigergasse 4 → Innenhof Flickbar
4 Froschaugasse 2 → acood
5 Untere Zäune → beim Spielplatz
6 Untere Zäune → beim Spielplatz
7 Ecke Kirchgasse→bei einem Steinsockel
8 Leuengasse → beim Baum
9 Spiegelgasse 1
10 Limmatquai 62
11 Badergasse 9
12 Café Zähringer → Ecke Spitalgasse
13-15 Geroldstrasse17,→Treppe Freitag Tower
16-18 Rampe und Plattform beim Haupteingang
19-20 Dachterasse