
Musée Visionnaire

The Musée Visionnaire offers a platform to artists who are often overlooked and fall through the cracks of established art categories. We give their works space and relevance – no matter where they come from or how they live. Passion, enthusiasm and the unconditional urge to be creative are their driving force. This out-of-the-box thinking is not only reflected in the art, but is also transferred to the visitors. Together, we think outside the box, question our own perspective and adopt other points of view.


By bringing so-called outsider art inside and including it in the museum context, we open up the dialogue to a broader understanding of art. We are firmly convinced that people with ascribed disabilities are also capable of creating important art.


Our vision is to promote the coexistence of established artists and creatives who supposedly do not conform to the norm, to make the art world more accessible and diverse and to sensitise future generations to the importance of togetherness in art and in society.


The Musée Visionnaire was founded in 2013 by Susi Brunner and her husband Dr Jörg Furrer on a private initiative as a non-profit, tax-exempt association.


Photo: Pascal Sigrist

Luca Gerosa
Communication, Administration & Events

Manuela Hitz
Director Musée Visionnaire & Director Art Education

Flora Frick
Artistic Assistance

Norbert Günther
Transport and Logistics

Catrina Lohri
Art Education


Claudia Puppato (Präsidentin) · Roland Gfeller · Ernst Hüsler · Celia Längle · Guido Magnaguagno · Reto Vollenweider

Honorary President

Dr. Jörg Furrer


Annie Amgwerd · Antoinette Bauer · Marisa Baumgartner · Marie-Louise Bachmann · Maria Böni · Maria Demir · Monika Egli · Marianne Gerosa · Katharina Grüninger · Helga Helbig · Antonia Hitz · Regula Hotz · Sue Jaisli · Susanne Kaufmann · Eva Menghetti · Bea Raggi · Monika Rathgeb · Silvia Scherrer · Simon Veitz · Doris Verardo